Gong Shou Dao电影免费在线观看完整版,电影大全 

Gong Shou Dao剧情简介

Gong Shou Dao 海报

地区:大陆电影 / 年份:2017


演员:马云 / 托尼·贾 / 向佐 / 吴京 / 刘承羽 / 邹市明

This is Mr. Ma's first appearance in a movie, he has been practicing Tai Ji for many years, and he hopes to help spread traditional Chinese culture to the world. The film also features Jet Li, Donnie Yen, Jason Wu, Shiming Zou, Asashoryu, Tony Jaa, Jacky, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, martial arts director Woo Ping Yuen, Sammo Hung and Siu-Tung Ching. The entire crew worked together to honor the legends of Chinese martial arts and share Chinese culture with the world through this film.

电影大全提供《Gong Shou Dao》高清国语完整版在线播放,Gong Shou Dao蓝光完整高清未删减版在线观看.

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